Blanton’s SFTB
“Son, we’re not hiring hands today”
Before Blanton’s there wasn’t a single barrel bourbon on the market. Just let that sink in for a second. Not one!
Lee (Elmer T. Lee to give him his full name) is the man we have to thank for this.
At some point in the 70’s the world suffered a huge bump to the head and went mad.
No one was buying bourbon. Hard to believe in these times, but it had become an ‘old man's drink’ and the new trendy hip kids of the 70’s were no longer interested in their Grandad's brown liquor. They were all about the ‘clear’ spirits like Vodka and Gin.
Then along comes Mr Lee. Well we say he came along, the truth is he had been working in the industry for Buffalo Trace since 1949 (it was still called George T. Stagg back then).
One barrel. Such a simple idea, so simple that no one else thought of it. Instead of trying to compete with the clear liquid market, Lee did the exact opposite. He doubled down on what makes bourbon so good in the first place - its flavour.
Now fast forward 30 plus years, and you can’t swing a cat in a liquor store without hitting a single barrel. The rest, as they say, is history and we now have the vast and varied bourbon choices available to us today.
So next time you have a glass of your favourite bourbon, spare a thought for Elmer T. Lee, and pour an extra one in his honour.
Blanton’s Straight From The Barrel is cask strength with no declared age, the whiskey itself is full of oak and barrel char, dark fruits, raisins on the nose, and a real fireside toasty warmth. It’s viscous and oily, rich spicy notes of black pepper and chewy caramel.
From the first sniff to the first sip and then that super long finish it just oozes class. It’s complex, it’s beautiful, it’s rich, and it sticks around for so long that you can take your time in between each sip and just savour it. Uncut, unfiltered and we agree with their marketing team, unbelievable!
If this doesn’t make you want to go out and find a bottle then we don’t know what will. In fact we will give you a full refund if you don’t like it*
*We will not do this by the way